
Fall Semester
  • Start Strong - Make a strong transition into high school by working hard and building a solid foundation of academic success
  • Get to Know People - Meet teachers, counselors, staff members, student leaders and your peers.  Make connections and think about how you would like get involved at Lake Catholic.
  • Get Involved - Go to the activity fair and select a few student organizations to join.
  • Think about the Future - What career is right for you?  Start thinking and asking questions if you are not sure!
  • Service - Meet Mrs. Ellis to learn about service opportunities and make a difference in our community
Spring Semester
  • Speak with a counselor - Meet with your guidance counselor and/or the college counselor to make a plan for your career at Lake Catholic.  How can Lake Catholic be your spring board into the college and career of your dreams?
  • Take the Career Tests on Naviance - Familiarize yourself with the college counseling website and, under the Self-Discovery tab, take the ‘Career Interest Profiler’ and ‘Personality’ Assessments
  • Begin to explore colleges you are interested in on Naviance.  Does the school have your major of interest?  Does the school have the activities and extracurricular activities you are interested in?  Naviance can help you answer these questions.
  • Select a Sophomore-year schedule that is challenging, but that will also help you emphasize your individual strengths


Fall Semester
  • Start Strong! Colleges want to see an upward trajectory in your grades. If you had a solid freshman year, keep the momentum going. If you struggled at times, this is the time for you to work hard to correct any issues.
  • Stay Involved - Continue to stay involved in extracurricular and service organizations.  Now is the time to begin to think about leadership opportunities within those organizations.  Colleges are looking for leaders.
  • October Testing Day…try your best!  For many, this is the first time you will take a major college entrance standardized test.
  • Have you completed the ‘Career Interest Profiler’ and ‘Do What you Are’ Assessments on Naviance?  If not, make sure to utilize these insightful tools.
Spring Semester
  • Maximize your ACT/SAT potential! Take one of the prep classes offered at Lake to learn about the test and practice strategies
  • Schedule - Challenge yourself with your junior year schedule.  Take an Honors or AP course…try something new related to your intended major or career.
  • Speak with the guidance department concerning leadership camps/experiences available to Lake Catholic (i.e. Leadership Lake County, HOBY, LAB, Buckeye Boys and Girls State)
  • Think about a summer job that will provide leadership opportunities
  • Not involved yet? Meet with your counselor to discuss ways you can get involved at Lake Catholic. This is critical for college admissions.
  • Attend the Sophomore College Night in the spring. Learn about the college admissions process, college visits, and how to make yourself the best candidate for college admissions.


  • This is a challenging and rewarding year of high school. Start strong and keep up the intensity all year long. This will be the last set of grades that college admissions offices see when you apply.
    • REMEMBER - Colleges want to see an upward trend in your grades. If your grades slip this year, it is a major red flag to colleges.
  • If you do not remember your Naviance information, see your counselor and log on to the website. Upcoming college visits, career tests, college stats and contact information are all just a click or two away.
  • Attend on-campus (virtual) college visits at Lake Catholic
  • Take the ACT Prep Class in October 
  • PSAT/Pre-ACT - Do your best. As a junior, this counts for the National Merit competition
  • Create a list of 10 Colleges you would like to explore
  • Stay involved and look for leadership opportunities 
  • Take the SAT and/or ACT
  • Sign up for the Winter ACT Class (January)
  • Begin to create a resume
  • Study Hard and do your best on mid-term exams
  • Begin to plan college visits- Don’t wait until the summer. Visit a college while school is in session
  • Career Exploration - Are you leaning towards a certain career? See your counselor for more information about the career.  The guidance department can assist with career shadowing.
  • Register for the SAT/ACT
  • Look for a summer job that will provide leadership opportunities
  • Speak with the guidance department concerning leadership camps/experiences available to Lake Catholic Students (i.e. HOBY, LAB, Buckeye Boys and Girls State)
  • Schedule a family meeting with your counselor to create a college admissions game plan
  • Maximize your grades!
  • Continue to plan college visits
  • Think about teachers/coaches/other adult leaders that you will ask for a letter of recommendation
  • Register for the ACT/SAT
  • Take the ACT Prep Class 
  • Make contact with/introduce yourself to the admissions office of all potential schools (via email)



  • Make sure your transcript information is correct (meet with your guidance counselor)
  • Make initial contact with college admissions reps at all potential schools (via email)
  • Create a Common App profile
  • Re-familiarize yourself with Naviance. Here, you can find college contact information, college admissions statistics/averages, majors, extracurricular activities, and much more.
  • Set up a meeting with your counselor as needed.
  • Ask teachers/coaches/administrators for letters of recommendation.
  • Take the ACT if needed
  • Attend virtual campus college visits in the Global Learning Hub or Media Center, take time to speak with your admissions rep
  • Begin working on all college applications
  • October 1st: FAFSA Opens for submission
  • Take the ACT Prep Class 
  • Take the ACT if needed
  • Be aware of upcoming deadlines!
  • Goal: Have all college applications complete and submitted prior to Thanksgiving Break (at the latest!)
  • Begin to search for local scholarships (A comprehensive list can be found on Naviance)
  • Provide ‘Thank You’ cards for writers of letters of recommendation
  • December 1st: FAFSA DUE DATE
  • Last Chance (in most cases) for seniors to take an ACT or SAT Test…register as needed!
  • Continue to search for and apply for scholarships
  • Do your best on mid-term exams!  If you are wait listed or would like an admissions office to reconsider an admissions decision, a “mid-year report” may be needed.  Solid grades in the fall semester may be the key to you going to your dream college.
  • Mid-January- FAFSA Awards released.  
  • Still not sure what college you would like to attend? Schedule another college visit.
  • Continue to search for and apply for scholarships
  • Do you need to negotiate your financial award?  Speak with our LEAF rep Mrs. Brainard
  • Submit all scholarship awards to the Guidance Office.

  • May 1st- All College Decisions Due
    • Submit your deposit to the college you plan to attend
    • Send a ‘Thank You’ card to all other schools, informing them of your decision to attend elsewhere
  • Notify the Guidance Office of your college decision (this is where we will send your Final Transcript)

Discover Lake Catholic

Discover yourself, your faith, your future, your purpose. Become a member of the Lake Catholic Family.